General FAQs
Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions we get about our program. We hope to help you learn more about how we operate while you wait.
More About Homegrown
What are the ratios?
While we strive to group by developmental abilities, we do hinge on age-specific ratios to guide us. We may modify our group size to best serve the children in that group.
We believe keeping ratios lower than Licensing Standards for certain groups is best practice.
Our ratios are as follows:
Infants 6 -11 mos - 1:4
Infants 12 -17 mos - 1:5
Toddlers 18 mos - 3 yrs 11 mos - 2:14
Pre-K 4 yrs plus - 1:10
Do I have to drop-off and pick-up by a certain time?
We are open 8am - 6pm and we welcome you to drop-off at whatever time works best for your schedule, but we ask that you refrain from dropping off any later than 10am.
Pick-up must be before 6pm.
Do you close for Spring Break or Summer?
While we do somewhat mirror the schedules of our local school districts, Homegrown is open year-round. We close for major holidays and have three week-long seasonal breaks to give our team some family time.
Do you provide meals?
Homegrown was opened in the height of the pandemic when family-style meals were not recommended, so center-provided meals were not part of our initial plan.
Since opening, we have added snack service (AM/PM). Currently we are a "bring-your-own-lunch" operation.
We have, however, secured our food permit and intend to begin serving fresh, homecooked meals in the near future.
Do you offer infant care?
We just launched our infant program in Spring 2023!
Our space is very limited and the admissions age fluctuates based on the children we have in care. Currently, we're proud to offer care for infants 12 months* and older.
(*Infants must be able to walk unassisted)
What are Homegrown's fees?
Upon enrolling, we charge a one-time application and enrollment fee as part of the enrollment process to secure a space. These fees are non-refundable and are not applied to tuition.
We do not charge an annual supply fee like many other operations- our enrollment fees help us replenish supplies to welcome new children aboard.