Waitlist Process
Demand for child care is at an all-time high, but we can only accommodate so many families at a time; therefore, we ask families to add themselves to our Waiting List to organize families by their child's age and schedule preference in order for us to match them with future availability.
There is never a fee for our wait list and families are free to decline a space and remain on the list if the timing or offered schedule is not compatible for them.
When a space becomes available, families in that specific age group will be notified according to the date of joining the list (with priority given to siblings of children already enrolled) if their schedule fits the opening we have to offer.
**Please respond as soon as possible!**
Although notification is sent according to the position on the waitlist, interviews and tours will be scheduled in the order that responses are received. Families who do not reply within a week will be removed from the list.
Generally, all interested families are interviewed before any enrollment decision is made; however, in certain circumstances the opening may be filled before all of the families have toured. Parents who are offered a space have 24 hours to submit their intent to enroll (please see the Enrollment Process section of our page). After this 24-hour window has passed, other prospective families will be offered the space. At this point, enrollment is on a "first come, first served" basis, depending on which family submits their enrollment items first.
Waitlist FAQs
We understand being on a wait list can be frustrating, but here is some helpful information from some of the most frequently asked questions we've received in the hopes that it will help shed some light on what to expect while you're waiting.
We've been in this field for many years and if we've learned one thing, it's that family situations can change overnight and openings are often unpredictable- they can come earlier than expected and sometimes later than desired. Feel free to shoot us an email if you have a family-specific question.